How it all started.
Since 1963

Founded by Henry Saluk in 1963, Wonder Shows began as a midsize carnival which soon grew to accommodate 3 acres of rides, games, and fun food. In the spring of 2000 the Kiernicki Family purchased the Midway, who have over 30 years of carnival experience under their belt, became the new owners of Wonder Shows. They vowed to continue with the philosophy Wonder Shows was reputable for – “Family Fun Carnival Entertainment”.

The Midway that Sparkles

As you stroll through our midway, you will notice many of our team members actively working to ensure rides are safe, the midway is clean, stocked and staffed to provide you an exceptional day to make memories with your friends and family.
Look out for “BIG BOSS” of the midway, Kenny. He will be walking with a big cable or toolbox in hand making sure your Wonder Shows experience is the best it can be for you and your family,
Ken is also responsible for guaranteeing the 40 attraction fleet makes its way though the route safely and securely, then setting it up and having it properly checked over by his very friendly staff.
Now in their 60th year, Wonder Shows has continuously maintained a clean, family owned and operated midway, traveling to major festivals throughout Manitoba .