Your people have a very high opinion regarding you and your hubby. They stated that the two of you are the best and they couldn’t ask for better bosses. I know that you are the most generous person I have met in a long time and that you and your staff are more than fantastic with Dale. He is still talking about what everyone did for him on Saturday and how everyone there are his friends. By the way he is still refusing to take his wristband off. Anyway please thank everyone for us. Special thanks to Lance, the Ferris wheel, roller-coaster, Kangaroo, and the sea-ray guys. They were great with Dale helping him on and off the rides. Dale says to tell Rick next year he is going to come to the rides lots and lots to make up for this year. Dale is going through serious withdrawal for his skymaster rides. When we were at Mall of America, they asked him what was his favorite ride Dale replied the Wonder Shows without any hesitation. Dale has become your very own advertiser.